ASLU 090: Creative Canadian Sharon Marie White and Why It's Never Too Late

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This episode is brought to you by Fine Lime Designs Illustrations

Alberta singer/songwriter Sharon Marie White joins Melissa to talk about her deep roots as a musician and performer and how, after putting her music on hold for decades, she's back and she's just getting started - in an era where women are no longer willing to put up with ageism as working creatives!

Sharon Marie White is a former Manitoba prairie girl, who now resides in the Rocky Mountain Foothills just outside Calgary. Her music has been a lifelong passion for over 40 years.  She is an accomplished singer/songwriter who loves the creative storytelling that music allows her to do and writes in multiple genres including: Country, Blues and Folk. Sharon is so proud to say her music is being played around the world with new music and videos being released in 2022. As Sharon Marie says, “I am just getting started”.

This Episode Is For…

This is a great episode for anyone who:

  • is wondering if it's too late to follow their passion (spoiler alert: it's not)

  • is struggling to put themselves first

  • has experienced ageism now they're no longer in their 20s or 30s

  • is wondering what the second half of their life could hold

If you just want the links to the resources mentioned in this episode, scroll down to the bottom.

Listen To the Episode

Here’s a link to this week’s episode. You can also listen via the player below or on your favourite podcast app (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, and more). Just search for And She Looked Up!

life is too short

in this episode we discuss:

  • how Sharon followed the path of becoming a musician, and later a songwriter, including her early years in a rock band playing festivals and shows throughout the Canadian prairies and pursuing music as a career

  • that while music never disappeared from her life, as often happens for many of us, it did move to the background as she had a family and found other career opportunities

  • her ongoing work as a visual artist

  • what made her decide to go back to her music and pursue it seriously at an age when most of us would think it’s too late

  • why it’s never too late!

  • facing ageism in the creative arts

  • why we should be embracing our life experiences

  • the gifts that aging brings to our lives and our careers

  • how Gen-X women (and those that come after us) are not allowing ourselves to be made invisible or be pushed into the background as we age

  • how technology has given women the opportunity to create their own opportunities and step around the traditional gatekeepers in the creative arts

  • how finding a true passion and following it with curiosity and openness might just be the secret to successful aging.

Mentioned in this episode

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