ASLU 046: 10 Curious Ways Creatives Self-Sabotage (with Alana Ruoso)

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On this week’s episode of the And She Looked Up Podcast, success coach Alana Ruoso joins Melissa to talk about 10 curious ways that we, as creative entrepreneurs, self-sabotage.

As we go through the list, we’re willing to bet that you’re mentally checking a few of these off as things you’ve done in your creative career! The thing is, so many of these self-sabotage techniques are extremely subtle and, in some cases, they’re things we’ve been doing for years.

Alana is a Toronto based certified Success Coach for Designers, Creatives and Professional who deep down know that they can do better - but keep falling short of where they want to go. She’s also a graphic designer herself and has over 20 years of corporate and creative experience. With humour and honesty, she shows her clients how to ditch struggle, own their value and move their careers from vanilla success to spectacular triumph.

In this episode not only does Alana walk us through some hard truths but she helps us come up with coping strategies and ways to turn the narrative around so we set ourselves up for success - even if we’re afraid of it (yes, that’s a real thing!). We work our way through 10 common signs of self-sabotage including:

  1. The “Overs”: overeating, oversleeping, overworking, over-everything!

  2. Intentionally burning bridges

  3. Showing up late for important meetings

  4. Putting in the bare minimum to a project you could rock

  5. Letting a client call go to voicemail when you could answer it

  6. Constantly telling yourself “I don’t know” (when you do know)

  7. Not put yourself forward for an opportunity (job, freelance gig, call for artists etc) because you’ve decided you’re unqualified

  8. Constantly remaining disorganized and frantic

  9. Speaking negatively about yourself to others

  10. Avoiding networking and keeping yourself isolated

If any (or many) of these resonated with you, we invite you to listen to this episode to find out why you might be doing these things and how you can turn things around with some simple, actionable tips from Alana.

Special Offer For And She Looked Up Listeners

Alana in generously offering And She Looked Up listeners $200 off her signature, six session coaching program, “Clear and Confident Maven”. Simply use the coupon code ANDSHELOOKEDUP at checkout.

If you’re thinking of investing in yourself this year, Alana’s program is one to check out. She addresses confidence, business, creativity, logistics, money and moving through fears to help you take your career to the next level!

Listen To the Episode

Here’s a direct link to Episode 46 - or you can listen via the players below:

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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