Posts tagged systems
ASLU 132: Scarcity, Urgency or Always Available - Inventory Models for Creative Businesses

How do you manage inventory and demand in your creative business? Do you use and market a scarcity model? An urgency model? Or an always available model? We walk you through each of these and outline the pros and cons of each as well as showing you how you can use a mix of all three in your creative business!

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ASLU 123: Embracing The Business Side of Creating with Sara Roach-Lewis

The inner struggle between artist, maker, creative and female business owner is real for many of us. But as this week's guest, creative business coach and advisor, Sara Roach-Lewis, likes to remind us... if you earned money this year but didn't get a T4... you're a business owner.

So how do we learn to embrace the business side of creating for a living while still being the creators we want to be? That's our conversation this week! 

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