ASLU 079: Creative Canadian - Photographer Betty Shin Binon & the Power of Education

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Betty Shin Binon (aka Stems and Forks) has gone from being one of Toronto's most successful floral designers to now being highly sought after for her photography and video work in her distinct chiaroscuro style. In this episode of the podcast, she talk with Melissa about the challenges and courage that go into making a creative career change a little later in life.

But they also discuss the power of education, the importance of continuous learning and how generously sharing our knowledge and creative process can take us far.

Stems & Forks was established in 2017 to showcase all of Betty’s creative musings: recipes, photography and botanical sculptures. After spending nearly twenty years in the floral design business - and then selling the thriving business in 2013 to embrace a balanced lifestyle with more family time and immersion in all things creative - Betty has built a successful multi-faceted brand. Since the shift in career, her photography and video are highly sought-after by brands for her distinct chiaroscuro style and visual storytelling. Her global workshops sell out to prominent artists and content creators around the world.

This Episode Is For…

  • anyone who is pondering a career change

  • anyone who has ever wondered if it’s too late to start again

  • anyone who is thinking about selling a business

  • anyone who struggles with a scarcity mindset around sharing their knowledge and skills

  • anyone who is considering teaching the creative skills they have learned in their career

If you just want the links to the resources mentioned in this episode, scroll down to the bottom.

Listen To the Episode

Here’s a direct link to the episode. You can also listen via the player below or on your favourite podcast app (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, and more). Just search for And She Looked Up!

push into the unknown copy.png

sometimes courage is pushing into the unknown

In This Episode We Talk About

In this episode we talk about:

  • Betty’s early creative journey and how she found herself in the floral design business

  • the emotional challenges of selling and leaving behind a business that has grown to be a part of you

  • how to know when it’s time to move on and why it’s never too late to make a change or even start again

  • to not be afraid to recognize that it does take courage to step into the unknown

  • the importance of knowing what you’re good at, and what needs work

  • the importance of building in time for learning and education in your business (and how to financially justify it!). Starting fresh in a brand new industry, Betty gave herself 2 years in the early days of her business to improve her skills to the point where they should actually be responsible for earning income for the business. When she decided it was time to learn video, she blocked out two hours a DAY in her workday to spend dedicated to learning video skills.

  • how mastering the skills of your craft will mean less reliance on an abundance of gear

  • teaching what you know and how that can become a revenue stream

  • why it’s important (and ok!) to be generous with your knowledge when you make the decision to teach

  • not letting a scarcity mindset or a fear of competition get in the way of teaching others your knowledge and why it won’t result in a lot of copycat work from others

Mentioned in this episode

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